Summarize Written Text PTE Question Answers Passages {One Sentence}

PTE Summarize Written Text – Read the paragraph and summarize it in between 5 to 75 words. Cover the most important points out of the passage. You will have only 10 minutes to complete the task. Here is Summarize Written Text PTE Question Answers Passages {One Sentence}.


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Summarize Written Text PTE Question Answers Passages {One Sentence}



Read and summarize written text in your words.

Cheese sandwiches can be grilled so that the bread toasts and the cheese melts, a dish referred to as a grilled cheese sandwich, or simply grilled cheese. A grilled cheese is often heated by placing the buttered slices of bread, with the cheese between the slices, on a frying pan or griddle.

Another form of cooked cheese sandwich is the cheese toastie or toastie, a dish particularly popular in the United Kingdom that is prepared by either baking or grilling a cheese sandwich in an oven, or toasting bag in an electric toaster, or using a pie iron in order to toast the bread and melt the cheese. Cheddar is the most common cheese used in a toastie. It is usually served as a snack, or as a usually lunchtime meal, in most cases with a side of salad.

Cooked bread and cheese is an ancient food according to food historians, popular across the world in many cultures. Evidence indicates that, in the U.S., the modern version of the grilled cheese sandwich originated in the 1920s when inexpensive sliced bread and American cheese became readily available. The cheese dream, an open-facedgrilled cheese sandwich, became popular in the U.S. during the Great Depression.

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Keynotes or Keywords –

Cheese sandwiches grilled
bread toasts and the cheese melts on a frying pan or griddle.
cheese toastie either baking or grilling a cheese sandwich in an oven
an electric toaster
popular across the world
in the U.S.


Summarize Written Text Sample Solution –

Grilled cheese sandwich which can be toasted bread and melted cheese made on a pan or griddle or a toastie version made by either baking or in an electric toaster, is commonly eaten as a snack or at lunchtime, is popular all across the world and has been available in the US since 1920s.


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Read and summarize written text in your words.

The term “experiment” usually implies a controlled experiment, but sometimes controlled experiments are prohibitively difficult or impossible. In this case, researchers resort to natural experiments or quasi-experiments. Natural experiments rely solely on observations of the variables of the system under study, rather than manipulation of just one or a few variables as occurs in controlled experiments. To the degree possible, they attempt to collect data for the system in such a way that contribution from all variables can be determined, and where the effects of variation in certain variables remain approximately constant so that the effects of other variables can be discerned. The degree to which this is possible depends on the observed correlation between explanatory variables in the observed data. When these variables are not well correlated, natural experiments can approach the power of controlled experiments. Usually, however, there is some correlation between these variables, which reduces the reliability of natural experiments relative to what could be concluded if a controlled experiment were performed. Also, because natural experiments usually take place in uncontrolled environments, variables from undetected sources are neither measured nor held constant, and these may produce illusory correlations in variables under study.

Much research in several science disciplines, including economics, political science, geology, paleontology, ecology, meteorology, and astronomy, relies on quasi-experiments. For example, in astronomy it is clearly impossible, when testing the hypothesis “Stars are collapsed clouds of hydrogen”, to start out with a giant cloud of hydrogen, and then perform the experiment of waiting a few billion years for it to form a star.

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