Uniform Civil Code Essay

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Uniform Civil Code Essay

Uniform Civil Code Essay 300 Words

Uniform Civil Code is a hot topic in India’s political discussion forums as many people are badly affected by the personal laws of their religions and communities and are therefore asking help from Supreme Court to support their fundamental rights of equality and liberty. So let’s first check out the meaning of the Uniform Civil Code.
It implies to change the personal laws made many years ago on the basis of scriptures and traditions of different religious communities. These personal laws must be replaced with a common set of rules that preserves the equality and integrity of an individual.

Article 44 of the Indian constitution states -“The State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India”, therefore many people especially women of Muslim society are knocking doors of the high command to help them restore their equality rights.

Here are some of the benefits of the Uniform Civil Code, let’s have a look at them:

Uniform Civil Code help the citizens acquire equal status in the society irrespective of their religion, caste, community, and gender. It also promotes gender equality as most of the personal laws are quite biased towards women. Usually, men are given higher preference than women in matters related to inheritance and succession, therefore uniform civil code helps encourage equality between both men and women. It also maintains national integration in the country as no special privileges will be offered to a particular set of people on the basis of their religion, community or gender.

Despite all the pros of uniform civil code, it is very difficult to achieve it due to the huge diversity in India. Also, people consider it as an encroachment to their religious assets and according to them, their religion and tradition come at stake when some common set of rules are implemented throughout the nation.
So, in a nutshell, uniform civil code can only be achieved if the communities themselves realize its importance and start replacing their personal laws with common protocols that place every individual equally on the grounds of their rights and freedom.

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