Health is Wealth Essay – Essay on Health is Wealth
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Essay on Health is Wealth
Health is Wealth Essay in 500 Words
Someone has correctly said that ‘if health is gone everything is gone’. Life loses interest, in case you are deprived of health. You enjoy neither food nor the world. Even spending time joyfully becomes a big problem. A healthy person (whether rich or poor) lives more happy and peaceful life than any rich person having a diseased body. We can, therefore, say that the real wealth of a man is his health.
Health is not merely the absence of disease and infirmity but a state of complete physical, social and mental well being. Health is thus a level of functional efficiency of living beings and the general condition of a person’s mind, body and spirit, meaning it is free illness, injury and pain. If you are strong and healthy you can be a shining example to others and teach them how to achieve vibrant health.
In order to get good health, people should follow a healthy lifestyle. People who are not involved in the healthy lifestyle may suffer a range of health disorders like overweight, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, kidney problems, liver disorders and so many. An unhealthy body gets tired very easily and a tired body easily loses motivation and self-confidence.
Health is the great blessing of god. Good health is a matter of great concern. To maintain good health, healthy living and a disciplined life is a must. We should take care of our health and for this, we should always take a simple and balanced diet. Exercise is very important for
For attaining a healthy and disease free body cleanliness is very important. Our motto should be to keep our body clean in order to remain healthy. We should also keep our house and our surroundings clean. A clean environment leads to a clean and healthy body. It reduces the risk of catching communicable diseases. And to obtain a clean environment it is the responsibility of the people to inculcate healthy habits.
Drinking plenty of water is also a good way to keep our body healthy as it reduces the risk of infection, keeps your skin healthy, reduces the risk of heart attack, burns body fat and regulates our body temperature. We must laugh more as laughing is a therapy and a secret of good health. Any bad habit such as smoking, drinking alcohol, bad lifestyle, etc should be avoided.
A healthy person can earn lots of money, however, an unhealthy person cannot because of the lack of motivation, interstates and concentration level. Money is the source to live a healthy life however good health is the source to live a happy and peaceful life. So, good health matters a lot, more than the money. We all should maintain our good health to be wealthy in real means.
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10:55 am
It is nice on health
2:01 pm
Thank You so much
9:22 am
Health is wealth because IF we have much money than also without good health we will nothing do of money
2:02 pm
Thank You
4:28 pm
That article is amazing
2:02 pm
Thank you so much
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2:02 pm
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9:37 pm
This is amazing essay
5:39 pm
Thank you
11:46 pm
“Health is wealth.”
Health was earlier said to be the ability of the body functioning well. However, as time evolved, the definition of health also evolved. It cannot be stressed enough that health is the primary thing after which everything else follows. When you maintain good health, everything else falls into place.
Similarly, maintaining good health is dependent on a lot of factors. It ranges from the air you breathe to the type of people you choose to spend your time with. Health has a lot of components that carry equal importance. If even one of them is missing, a person cannot be completely healthy. In order to get good health, people should follow a healthy lifestyle. People who are not involved in the healthy lifestyle may suffer a range of health disorders like overweight, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, kidney problems, liver disorders and so many. An unhealthy body gets tired very easily and a tired body easily loses motivation and self-confidence
“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.”- Herophilus
For attaining a healthy body cleanliness is very important. Our motto should be to keep our body clean in order to remain healthy. We should also keep our house and our surroundings clean. A clean environment leads to a clean and healthy body. It reduces the risk of catching diseases. And to obtain a clean environment it is the responsibility of the people to inculcate healthy habits. Drinking plenty of water is also a good way to keep our body healthy as it reduces the risk of infection, keeps your skin healthy, reduces the risk of heart attack, burns body fat and regulates our body temperature.
First, we have our physical health. This means being fit physically and in the absence of any kind of disease or illness. When you have good physical health, you will have a longer life span. One may maintain their physical health by having a balanced diet. Do not miss out on the essential nutrients; take each of them in appropriate quantities. Secondly, one must exercise daily. It may be for ten minutes only but never miss it. It will help your body maintain physical fitness. Moreover, do not consume junk food all the time. Do not smoke or drink as it has serious harmful consequences. Lastly, try to take adequate sleep regularly instead of using your phone. As Joseph Pilates said:
“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”
Next is our mental health. Mental health refers to the psychological and emotional well-being of a person. The mental health of a person impacts their feelings and way of handling situations. We must maintain our mental health by being positive and meditating.
“Your mental is priority. Your happiness is essential. Your self-care is necessity.”
Social health is a person’s ability to build and maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships with his friends, neighbours, relatives and others in the society. It also refers to a person’s ability to act appropriately and adapt to different social situations. A person can maintain their social health when they effectively communicate well with others. Moreover, when a person is friendly and attends social gatherings, he will definitely have good social health.
Similarly, our cognitive health refers to performing mental processes effectively. To do that well, one must always eat healthily and play brain games like Chess, puzzles and more to sharpen the brain. The processes and activities involve learning new things, good judgment, efficient use of language to communicate your point and strong intuition also sharpens cognitive health. Joseph Pilates said that:
“The mind when housed within a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power.”
Spiritual health is basically establishing a sense of connection with a person’s inner self to understand the meaning of life. Keeping the spiritual health intact helps a person become more positive, patient and sorted in life. Effective ways of spiritual health are to take out time to sit in self-introspection for some time each day, meditate, practice deep breathing, and yoga.
Someone has correctly said that
“If health is gone everything is gone.”
Life loses interest, in case you are deprived of health. You enjoy neither food nor the world. Even spending time joyfully becomes a big problem. A healthy person (whether rich or poor) lives more happy and peaceful life than any rich person having a diseased body. We can, therefore, say that the real wealth of a man is his health.
Health is thus a level of functional efficiency of living beings and the general condition of a person’s mind, body and spirit, meaning it is free illness, injury and pain. If you are strong and healthy you can be a shining example to others and teach them how to achieve vibrant health.
A healthy person can earn lots of money; however, an unhealthy person cannot because of the lack of motivation, interstates and concentration level. Money is the source to live a healthy life however good health is the source to live a happy and peaceful life. So, good health matters a lot, more than the money. We all should maintain our good health to be wealthy in real means.
11:47 pm
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6:57 pm
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2:21 am
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Good lifestyles
Thank you so much
2:22 am
Nice essay like it
So much
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6:43 pm
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7:49 pm
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