Republic Day Essay in English for Students
Read a short essay on Republic Day 26 January in English language. Republic day essay in 300 words. We are posting short essay on republic day for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12th.
Republic Day Essay in English

Every year 26th of January in India is celebrated as Republic Day on the grounds that the Constitution of India came into power on this day. It is commemorated as the national celebration of India which has been pronounced as a national holiday. On 26th of January in 1950 our nation turned into the total Democratic Republic after fortification of the Constitution of India in the Indian Parliament.
On republic day, Indian army parade takes place that starts from the Vijay Chowk and ends at India Gate. Indian Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) salute the President of India while marching on the Rajpath. The great Indian army parade likewise features the abilities of the Indian Armed Forces displaying the propelled arms and fighting of the nation. It is trailed by the scene or ‘Jhanki’ of each state showing their way of life and customs. Also, in schools, universities and play ways students commend this day by participating in different occasions like a parade, flag hoisting, poetry, speech, plays, and different other cultural activities.
Republic Day is the national celebration of India which helps us remind the sacrifices of our great leaders and freedom fighters. These leaders did not consider themselves and their families and joyfully sacrificed their lives for the country. The democracy-based system which we have gotten ought to be esteemed by everybody and ought not to be underestimated. Everybody should contribute their bit for the improvement of the country and spread harmony, love, and peace.
It is not just a festival, but pride that we all Indians feel. This is the only day when we should give tribute to our leaders and thank them for all they did for our independence.
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