Mob Lynching Essay
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Mob Lynching Essay
Mon Lynching originates from two words “Mob” and “Lynch”. A mob is a group of angry and violent people whereas lynch means that a crowd of people will lynch or kill the person they believe is guilty of something wrong he has done but this lynching is done without a legal trial. Sometimes mob lynching targets the people who are innocent but are accused of something on the basis of false statements and therefore they are killed brutally by the people.
Mob lynching began in the 18th century in the United States and then it readily spread to other countries like India, South Africa, Mexico, Afghanistan, Europe, and Israel. There are various social issues that gave birth to Mob lynchings such as Caste system, religious issues, transporting beef, child lifting, slaughtering, some false rumours about accusing someone of being involved in illegal activities and much more. The issues many be any but the consequences of Mob lynching are terrible and this shameful practice is increasing day by day.
People get involved in mob lynching due to various reasons some of which includes people losing trust in law and order due to which they start taking actions on their own. Also, many times police did not file complaints against the group of people and therefore they take advantage of this. Spreading of wrong information on social media accounts also gives rise to mob lynching.
Strict laws should be enforced to stop mob lynching in the country. A criminal should never be left out without punishing and austere action should be taken against him to put him behind the bars. Police should always stay alert to handle these kinds of mobs so as to avoid any killing of the people. Various campaigns and programs should be started in the schools that teach about moral values, respect and logical thinking so that later on children can differentiate between right and wrong. All these steps can reduce the incidents of mob lynching and justice can prevail.
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