Drug Addiction Essay
Read drug addiction essay in English for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Learn short essay on drug addiction in English in 300 words.

Drug Addiction Essay 300 Words
Drug addiction has become a global issue and it’s high time to take some preventive measures in order to avoid such a deadly thing. Mostly, the teenagers are more involved in drug addiction and this has ultimately destroyed their life and ruined the future of the country.
Children and adults completely destroy their lives by getting into such catastrophic habits without even thinking about their families and life. They spend a large amount of money on buying drugs and also get into illegal means to get that money. They start stealing money from their home so as to satisfy their desire of getting a drug. This ultimately makes them unworthy and out of control. Drug addiction has dangerous effects and we should find ways to combat this issue.
Drugs like cocaine, marijuana, and heroin are some of the deadly drugs that are consumed by a large number of people around the globe. Such type of drugs deteriorates your body every day and makes you weak and vulnerable to deadly diseases. Sometimes, the drug addicts lose their patience if they don’t get the drug on time and start crying and screaming as they don’t have control over their senses.
There are various reasons behind over drug consumption some of which includes family and personal problems. Many people are weak at heart and cannot withstand personal and professional life problems and therefore they start taking drugs. Sometimes domestic violence and child abuse are the major reasons behind drug addiction. The worst thing about drug addiction is that it has badly impacted the youth of every country. They are well-aware of its ill-effects on their health but they cannot stop using it.
So, it’s the need of an hour to identify the underlying cause of drug addiction so as to improve the treatment and help the drug addicts to come out of this deadly and complex disease.
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