PTE Academic Listening Mock Test 3 – Highlight Incorrect Words Practice
PTE SAMPLE TEST LISTENING HIGHLIGHT INCORRECT WORD – Hear recording carefully and find out the incorrect words which are different from the transcription and what the speaker(s) said. These type of question requires you to listen for and point out the differences between a recording and a transcription.
5. – Listen to the recording and highlight incorrect words.
Whey protein is basically a full high-quality protein which we get from dairy products. Only milk consists of 27% protein, wherein 80% we get from derived from the case in and the remaining 20% we get from whey. Cottage cheese is very commonly used dairy product everywhere in the world, it is made by departing cheese from the water. The remaining water is high-quality whey protein. There is few simple process of making homemade whey protein. First basic step remains same for all milk products. Starting with an empty container and place a small strainer over it. Then put muslin cloth, cheesecloth, and double lined paper towel into the strainer. To get better quality pour yogurt slowly on cloth into the strainer. Cover it with plastic wrap and keep in for freeze overnight. Take it out next morning the hardened material in the strainer is called yogurt cheese and yellowish substance is called your homemade whey protein.
For Answers Click Hereremaining, departing, First, place, better, material
6. – Listen to the recording and highlight incorrect words.
Thirty male employees of a big multinational company were grouped together in an area measuring fifty feet by fifty feet to perform semi-skilled assembly work. Though the layout was far from reality, still it was accepted as “livable” at least as temporary quarters until construction of new site was completed, and these men enjoyed their work. Their true delight came from fact that they can work as well as talk on any topic freely and still do their entire jobs. After the construction of a new facility, all men were assigned special area that was defined in their quota. The new manufacturing facility was equipped with superiors, lighting, water facility and proper air ventilation. The working condition improved, an employee sat less ten seven feet away from each other. The performance increase within few weeks of a new facility, absenteeism decrease, production increased, and complaints decrease and non-left the job.
employees, perform, temporary, new, less, complaints