Gender Discrimination Essay
Read gender discrimination essay in English language in 300 words. Know more about an essay on gender discrimination for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, PTE and IELTS. Learn short gender discrimination in India essay which was asked in UPSC exam.

Gender Discrimination Essay 300 Words
Gender discrimination is a social issue which is present from ages in our system. It specifically refers to the unjust treatment towards different genders in society. Every individual is judged according to their reproductive and biological roles in society and is thus considered inferior to each other. Women are greater victims of gender inequality as they are deemed to be low-grade than men in this male-dominated society.
Gender discrimination has developed the worst scenarios for women as they suffer from various hardships and come across unpleasant situations in their daily life. This has ultimately made their lives miserable as they cannot live with complete freedom in their own houses and country. Gender inequality can be seen in different aspects of life such as discrimination at workplaces can be revealed when women are paid much less salary than men with the same designation in the company.
Also, in the past, women were not allowed to go to schools and men have greater privilege and chances to attend a good school. Gender discrimination is not only faced by women but gays also suffer from the same issues as they are considered gringos by the people and are insulted in the society because of their different lifestyle and needs.
Gender inequality can be seen more in Asian countries where it is considered a tradition. Men are thought to have the power to continue their ancestors whereas women are considered “alien money” or so-called “Paraya Dhan” and are never regarded as equal to men. Therefore, women have gradually lost their role in society and therefore suffer from inequality in all aspects of their life.
Hence, gender discrimination is a major problem around the globe. Even after so many efforts made by the government and Nari-Shakti kendras, it still exists in the roots of our society. There are numerous reasons that lead to gender discrimination which cannot be chucked out easily from the society. Nevertheless, we can still make efforts to educate and create awareness among people and help all the genders to enjoy all their fundamental rights so that they can get fair treatment in society.
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