PTE Mock Test 1 – Offline Practice Sample

In this article, we are going to do a PTE Mock Test. What does that mean? We are going to do one question from each PTE Task. So there are 20 PTE tasks in total and we are going to do one of each. PTE Mock Test 1 Now, this will be the same level of activity as the actual PTE or we at least tried our hardest to make it the same level of difficulty. It should be very similar […]

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PTE Reading Fill In The Blanks Practice Test 19

There is a paragraph with some missing text. You have to choose the appropriate word from the list of words provided to you to fill the gap in the text. Here is PTE Reading Fill In The Blanks Practice Sample Test no. 19. PTE Reading Fill In The Blanks 19 55. – Select the words from the box to fill the gap in the paragraph. who, may, and in, out, with, show, more Do you feel frustrated or stressed (1)_ _ […]

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