PTE Read Aloud Speaking Practice Samples Tutorials Study Material
PTE Read Aloud Practice Samples – Read Aloud is a long-answer speaking item type. It tests your ability to read a short text aloud using correct pronunciation and intonation. It assesses both speaking and reading skills. Here are “PTE Read Aloud Speaking Practice Samples Tutorials Study Material”.

PTE Read Aloud Samples for Practice
PTE Read Aloud Practice Samples
37. PTE Read Aloud Practice – Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
In the second quarter of the 19th century, a rapidly growing middle class created a great demand for furniture production. Yet at this stage, while machines were used for certain jobs, such as carved decoration, there was no real mass production. The extra demand was met by numerous woodworkers. Mass production came later and the quality of domestic furniture declined.
Also Practice PTE Repeat Sentence
38. PTE Read Aloud Samples – Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
In the middle ages, the design and use of flags have considered a means of identifying social status. Flags were, therefore, the symbols not of nations, but of the nobility. The design of each flag resembled the “devices” on the noble’s Coat of Arms, and the size of the flag was an indication of how high the owner stood in the nobility.
39. PTE Read Aloud Speaking – Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
Not only in Glasgow, I think these challenges are everywhere. Weather is becoming very unpredictable everywhere actually. There is a whole shift in the way things are happening everywhere and that applies all over the globe. Like you said can meditation do anything about them and the answer is no. Meditation can’t do anything about the weather but yes meditation can change my mindset about the weather.
40. Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
Early in the 19th century, Wordsworth opposed the coming of the steam train to the Lake District, saying it would destroy its natural character. Meanwhile, Blake denounced the “dark satanic mills” of the Industrial Revolution. The conservation of the natural environment, however, did not become a major theme in politics until quite recently.
41. Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
Chaucer was probably the first English writer to see the English nation as a unity. This is the reason for his great appeal to his contemporaries. A long war with France has produced a wave of patriotism, with people no longer seeing each other Saxon or Norman but as English.
42. Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
A form of media that has the appearance of moving text and graphics on a display. Its purpose is to communicate information in multiple ways. As per Shelton, it is an integrated sight and sound kinetic media. In addition to this, it communicates the message to large heterogeneous, and anonymous audience. It communicates the same message to mass audience simultaneously, sometimes in public, other times in private. It is multi-sensory such that the audience’s sight and hearing are stimulated in concert.
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