PTE Describe Image Model Answers – Life Cycle Of A Frog
PTE Describe Image – You have 25 seconds to recognize the image. Note down the important keywords and follow the structure or formation or cycle of it. You have 40 seconds to speak. Here is PTE Describe Image Model Answers – Life Cycle Of A Frog.
PTE Describe Image Model Answers – Life Cycle Of A Frog
# Describe the given life cycle.
PTE Describe Image Sample Answers –
Sample Answer 1 – The image shows the life cycle of a frog. An adult frog lays eggs into the water and grows to become an embryo. The further stage is called tadpole and it can be seen that growth of tadpole where its legs break and start pulmonary breathing. Now tadpole frog comes out from the water and starts its life. Lastly, tadpole frog becomes an adult frog and the life cycle continues in a circle.
PTE Academic Writing Section Material –
PTE Writing Summarize Written Text With Answers
Sample Answer 2 – This image represents the life cycle of a frog. An adult frog lay eggs, which then gets hatched. An embryo emerges out of it and turns into tadpoles, who clings to a water plant. A tadpole uses its external skin to breath. And it’s tail keep growing, after few days hind libs start to appear. A tadpole uses food stored in its tail for survival. Few days later the front legs start to appear and tail becomes shorter. Thus tadpole turns into a young frog. After few days, it becomes an adult frog which will lay eggs to continue its kind.
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