PTE Listening Select Missing Word Practice With Answers
PTE Listening Select Missing Word Section – You will hear a recording. At the end of the recording, the last word or group of words are missing. Select the correct option to complete the recording.
PTE Listening Select Missing Word

PTE Listening Select Missing Word With Question Answers
# PTE Listening Select Missing Word Practice test No. 7 – Listen to the audio and select the correct option.
Note: (Transcript is given for reference and practice purpose only, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
You can understand what I am saying. But how? Well sometimes in order to find out how a healthy brain works we need to study a damaged one. Read more..
Aphasia is a communication disorder that results from damage to the parts of brain involved in language and in the late 19th century patients with Aphasia allowed scientists to better study how our brain processes and produces words and sentences. Through their studies they found too main regions in the left hemisphere that were associated with language – brokers areas which is located in the left frontal lobe is linked to speech production.
Patients who have lesions in this area may understand what I am saying right now fairly well but would have a hard time forming sentences of their own. On the other hand vernicus area located in the temporal lobe is thought to be important in speech comprehension. Someone has damage in this area they can produce language just fine but it would be a meaningless mishmash of words like red bottles brushes hairy sky. This is just the classical mode of languages so there is bound to be few flaws. Recent studies using techniques have shown that the regions around these two areas are also active during language processing and even more the right frontal lobe may be involved in comprehending semantics or _______________.
Options –
1. creating sentences
2. battling aphasia
3. understanding sentences
4. correcting grammar
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The correct option is “3. understanding sentences”.
Explanation –
Do you remember the last words what you heard? Last few words were “something maybe involved in comprehending semantics or”. And when you try to connect those words and also in the passage it tells you that this is about the language disorder. So that means before the audience starts you know that you have to hear something regarding language disorder or related to that. In the end, they say “even more the right frontal lobe may be involved in comprehending semantics or”, what could be the option?
So comprehending semantics or creating sentences or battling aphasia or understanding sentences or correcting grammar. They say in the earlier part that patients can still create sentences but they won’t have any meaning. In the end, they say that these two areas are also active during language processing. So language processing means it helping you in process what you are hearing making sense of it. This is the reason understanding sentences comes here and it also goes with comprehending semantics. So that’s why we go with that. The passage doesn’t talk about “how you would correct grammar specifically or that particular lobe it is involved in battling aphasia. It just says in this or that, then both of the those things have to be similar and what’s similar to comprehending semantics, its understanding sentences.
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