PTE Reading & Writing Fill-Ups Drop Down Menu Section Answer Explanation

  Solve the following Drop-Down Fill In The Blanks – Umami was first identified in Japan, in 1908, when Dr. Kikunae Ikeda concluded that Kombu, a type of edible seaweed, had a different taste than most foods. He concluded ________ that found that the high concentration of glutamate in Kombu was what made it so tasty. From there, he crystallized monosodium glutamate (MSG), the seasoning that would become ________ the world over. Decades later Umami became scientifically defined as one […]

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PTE Drop Down Fill In The Blanks Question With Detailed Answer

Solve the following Drop-Down Fill In The Blanks – Evidence for a genetic basis of anti-social behaviour stems from several different lines of research. First, behaviour genetic studies of twins and adoptees have demonstrated that ________ plays a role in antisocial behaviour, including various forms of aggression and criminality, by finding greater concordance for such behaviour in genetically ________ individuals, compare to non-relatives living in the same environment. Second, various correlates of antisocial behaviour, including personality factors such as impulsivity, […]

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What is Drop Down Fill In The Blank in PTE Academic (Tips & Tricks To Solve)

What is Drop Down Fill In The Blank in PTE Academic (Tips & Tricks To Solve) Drop Down Blanks is part of PTE fill in the blanks section which is very difficult in PTE. In this, you need to choose the blanks from a drop-down menu in which 4-5 words will be given. These drop down blanks are all about “Collocations“. So in these blanks, one word can be used differently in different forms of sentences. The words given are […]

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