Important Points To Remember in PTE Academic Re-tell Lecture

Important Points To Remember in PTE Academic Re-tell Lecture – In this articles, we are discussing the important points which all PTE Test takers keep in mind during their PTE Exam. These points are very important which helps increases your overall speaking score.

Important Points To Remember in PTE Academic Re-tell Lecture

Don’t lose fluency and pronunciation for content marks. This is the most common mistakes we all do. We only worry about the content and if we aren’t able to produce the content, just keep quiet. Talk about anything for 35 seconds, any one aspect of the lecture, paraphrase it, anything but don’t keep quiet because you will lose marks in fluency and pronunciation as well. This will cause decrease in total marks of speaking. So if you get zero marks in content, still there are changes to get 4-5 marks in fluency and 4-5 marks in pronunciation. So in the end, in short –

  • Make a flow chart, make sure you have written all the content in keywords.
  • Take short & quick notes on the main topic of the lecture. Use abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, and arrows.
  • Highlight the main points by marking a star or tick next to the points you want to talk about.
  • Try to talk for more than 35 seconds. Important point – Don’t stop in between 35 seconds.
  • Don’t correct yourself in between if you have said anything wrong. Don’t try to correct it.

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