PTE Listening Multiple Choice Single Answer Practice Questions Guide 7

PTE Multiple Choice Single Answer – Listen to the recording carefully and answer the multiple choice question by selecting only one correct response out of all. Here is PTE Listening Multiple Choice Single Answer Practice Questions Guide 7.

PTE Listening Multiple Choice Single Answer Practice Questions Guide 7

13. – Listen to the audio and answer the following question.

Question – What is the focus of this year’s expedition energy concept demonstration?

1. To go to industry and other government organisations to learn about new technology
2. To learn about the technology that can help make the company landing team better
3. To discover technologies to position marines 100 miles deep under the ground
4. To develop new ways of supplying the army in the battlefield

TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)

The expedition energy concept demonstration is where we go to industry and we ask industry and other government organisations to show us what technologies they have developed that can help us solve some of the tactical problems we have. This year we are focused on making the company landing team more effective. That company of marines that we want to put in say a 100 miles deep or 100 km deep on the battle space and be able to regroup behind enemy lines. Give them more mobility and give them ability to stay there without being resupplied constantly.

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#Right Answer: 2.

To learn about the technology that can help make the company landing team better 


14. – Listen to the audio and answer the following question.

Question – What is one of the drawbacks of going public?

1. It opens up the company to a high degree of scrutiny from the government
2. It brings to the company to a large number of difficult to manage customers
3. It brings a lot of money to the company and unlocks the value in the enterprise
4. It causes your stock to sell on markets like NASADAQ and New York Stock Exchange

TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)

IPO stands for Initial Public offering. An lPo is when a company whether it is a mom and pop little store that is getting bigger and bigger or say a social network conceived in a Harvard dorm room that now has 500 million people who follow it, can get on the radar, attract capital and basically grow up. See more..

The companies want to go public because they want to unlock the value in their enterprise. When you can get investors to pay to buy shares in your company and then those shares are traded on a stock market like the NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange. It also gets you money. When you go public, investors are putting money into your enterprise it allows you to raise money quickly. One of the downsides is when you are a public company you are scrutinised by the government. You have to every quarter file your numbers, your balance sheet to the security and exchange commission so that your investors and so that the markets can see exactly what you are doing. If you are a private company you don’t have that kind of scrutiny, you don’t have investors seiling stake in your company if you have one or two bad quarters. That is one of the reasons why private companies like to stay private. 
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#Right Answer: 1.

It opens up the company to a high degree of scrutiny from the government